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Culture Trumps Strategy: Unleashing the Power of Organisational Culture


Stephen Brown


In the world of business, strategic planning and execution are often considered the keys to success. Organisations invest significant resources in formulating strategies that will drive growth, profitability, and market dominance. However, in recent years, a growing body of evidence and real-world examples has highlighted the critical role of organisational culture in determining long-term success. As Peter Drucker famously said, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast." In this article, we explore the concept of "culture trumps strategy," examining why a strong organisational culture is paramount and how it can shape the destiny of an organisation.

Defining Culture and Strategy:

Before delving into the relationship between culture and strategy, it is essential to understand the meanings of both terms. Culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, norms, behaviours, and assumptions that guide the actions and interactions of individuals within an organisation. On the other hand, strategy encompasses the plans and actions designed to achieve specific goals and objectives.

Culture as the Foundation:

While strategy provides a roadmap for an organisation, culture serves as the foundation upon which everything is built. It shapes the mindset and behaviours of employees, determines how decisions are made, and influences how work is performed. An organisation with a healthy and aligned culture can adapt and thrive even in the face of changing strategies, whereas a weak or misaligned culture can hinder the most well-crafted strategic initiatives.

Impact on Employee Engagement:

Culture plays a pivotal role in employee engagement, which is crucial for organisational success. When employees feel a sense of belonging, trust, and purpose within a culture that aligns with their values, they are more likely to be motivated, productive, and committed to the organisation's goals. On the other hand, a toxic or disengaged culture can lead to high turnover rates, reduced productivity, and a lack of innovation.

Driving Performance and Innovation:

A strong organisational culture can foster an environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and risk-taking. It empowers employees to share ideas, challenge the status quo, and experiment with new approaches. When individuals feel psychologically safe within the culture, they are more likely to contribute their unique perspectives and talents, leading to increased innovation, adaptability, and competitive advantage.

Building Trust and Resilience:

Culture is instrumental in shaping the relationships between leaders and employees and among team members. A culture built on trust, transparency, and open communication creates a supportive and resilient organisation. In times of crisis or change, such a culture allows for effective decision-making, problem-solving, and collaboration. Employees trust their leaders and are more willing to navigate challenges together, resulting in a stronger and more resilient organisation.

Nurturing a Positive Culture:

Creating and nurturing a positive organisational culture requires intentional effort from leaders at all levels. It involves aligning values, fostering clear communication channels, recognising, and rewarding behaviours that reinforce the desired culture, and continuously adapting to the evolving needs of employees and the external environment.

Building and Defending Culture:

Who you let in and the standards you set and communicate during the recruitment process should assess cultural fit, attract suitable candidates, and deter those who don’t. Having clearly defined and extremely well-communicated values will enhance this process and should be emphasised throughout the recruitment and onboarding process.


While strategy is undoubtedly important for an organisation's success, culture ultimately trumps strategy. A strong and healthy culture can propel an organisation forward, enabling it to adapt, innovate, and thrive. Leaders must recognize the power of culture and invest in creating an environment that cultivates shared values, fosters engagement, and drives performance. By understanding and harnessing the power of culture, organisations can unlock their true potential and shape a prosperous future.